



I have GridPanel and TreePanel instances. Elements from GridPanel could be dragged into the treepanel. But I can't detect which tree node receives these dragged items.

I initialize tree panel DD with the following code (method of class derived from Ext.tree.TreePanel):

initDD: function() {
    var treePanelDropTargetEl = this.getEl();
    var treePanelDropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(treePanelDropTargetEl, {
        ddGroup: 'ddgroup-1',
        notifyDrop: function(ddSource, e, data) {
            // do something with data, here I need to know target tree node
            return true;

So how can I find out which tree node received dragged items in the "notifyDrop" handler. I can take e.getTarget() and calculate the node but I don't like that method.

+1  A: 

If you use a TreeDropZone (instead of DropTarget) you'll have more tree-specific options and events like onNodeDrop. Note that there are many ways to do DnD with Ext JS.

Jonathan Julian
Thank you for the point, will try to use TreeDropZone
Sergei Stolyarov
Nope, it doesn't work. I still can't handle drops of external items: events called when I drag tree nodes, and don't called when dragging items from the GridPanel.
Sergei Stolyarov

Here is some kind of solution

MyTreePanel = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreePanel, {
  listeners: {
    nodedragover: function(e) {
      // remember node
      this.targetDropNode =;

  initComponent: function() {
    // other initialization steps
    this.targetDropNode = false;
    var config = {
      // ...
      dropConfig: {
        ddGroup: 'mygroupdd',
        notifyDrop: function(ddSource, e, data) {
          // process here using treepanel.targetDropNode
      // ...
    // other initialization steps

Sergei Stolyarov