




I was looking at some Cappuccino code (trying learn a little bit of it) and saw something called a Cib. http://github.com/Calvin4/simple-cappuccino-sinatra-app/blob/master/public/AppController.j Look at line 27.

Any help?


+2  A: 

A Cib is most likely the Cappuccino version of a Nib/Xib, which is a file that describes the controls and layout of a page (i.e. if this was WPF/Silverlight it'd be a XAML page)

Paul Betts
Is it possible to relate this to something a Windows+Rails developer would understand?
Ummm, I guess it'd be like a View.
Paul Betts
I'd like to add that a cib can contain just about anything, not just view elements. For example, you can instantiate any arbitrary object (model, view, controller, you name it) in there.
Francisco Ryan Tolmasky I