Is there any way to make this scenario work?
There is a Python script. It is built into a DLL by running this script with IronPython:
import clr
clr.CompileModules("CompiledScript.dll", "")
The goal is to call this DLL's methods from C# code. .NET Reflector shows there is one class in the DLL - DLRCashedCode
and the methods we are interested in are private static methods of this class.
For example, there is a function in the script:
def scriptMethod(self, text):
Its representation in the DLL is:
private static object scriptMethod(Closure closure1, PythonFunction $function, object self, object text)
and PythonFunction
are IronPython classes (from Microsoft.Scripting.dll and IronPython.dll).
So far so good. Is it possible this method to be called by C# code? The idea of using reflection like
Type t = typeof(DLRCachedCode);
string methodName = "scriptMethod";
MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
object[] parameters = new object[] { "param1", "param2" }; // the "params problem"
method.Invoke(null, parameters);
seems harder because of setting the method's parameters. If they are (any how) initialized correctly, could we expect the method to work smoothly?
Is there a better way to call this methods from C#? For various different reasons we prefer to have the script built as a .NET assembly and not to call the script itself.