



This is code of dropdown

<select id="dropdown">
                <option value="">Go to page...</option>
                <option value=""&gt;CSS-Tricks&lt;/option&gt;
                <option value=""&gt;Digging Into WordPress</option>
                <option value=""&gt;Quotes on Design</option>

I just want to customize arrow image background and border? I know many jquery and moo tools plugins but i want light and simple and customizable jquery way?

alt text

+2  A: 

Its not possible to just style that. I wrote selectzor a while back to meet these needs though. Check it out below.

i just have a one dropdown on whole site. is it worth to use ur solution for just one dropdown. and ur solution as u mentioned not compatible with IE 6 which i need also. but i liked ur solution .
can u make ur selectzor.js more tiny for just one dropdown. i don't need functionality of Sample 2 which is in ur example file
its open source, so you can just rip out some of the code.

Drop-downs are rendered by the OPERATING SYSTEM, not the BROWSER. You have no control over this other than to roll-your-own.


You can’t style it with jQuery either. jQuery isn’t a magic wand that lets you do anything you can imagine to a web page.

Generally, your options for styling form controls are going to be quite limited, because:

  1. It’d be complicated for browser makers to let form controls be styleable; and

  2. It’s actually good that form controls always look the same. It means that users know what they are, and thus what’ll happen when they click on them.

Paul D. Waite
1. Seems not to 'complicated' for other form elements. It was just never part of the HTML spec.
“Seems not to 'complicated' for other form elements.” Ah, you’ve clearly never tried to style an HTML checkbox.
Paul D. Waite