



How can I prevent the Spark view engine from rendering the debugging hint when a null ref exception is thrown in !{ }? It always renders "${ expression.that.throws.nre }". The documentation states that it should render an empty string... it never mentions the behavior I'm experiencing. Using settings.SetDebug(false) doesn't change this behavior, nor does setting the project to "Release".

+1  A: 

$!{...} usually does the trick.

${...} renders ${...} if null ref exception was faced.

Are you sure you wrote $!{} and not ${} or !{}?

Arnis L.
Ha, wow. I somehow mentally filtered out the preceding '$' every time I scanned through that page. Thanks for pointing that out :). In that case, what does !{} do?
No ideas what `!{}` does. If it does anything at all. :)
Arnis L.