In WPF, when a user gets focus in a TextBox, I would like some animation that would make the TextBox becomes multiline and make its width bigger (while he is typing) and when the focus is lost, that the textbox goes back to its original size.
The size is unknown.
Also, ultimately, that TextBox needs to be within a WPF Datagrid.
I have never done animation before, and would like some help to get me started. Thanks.
EDIT: I have succeeded in doing the animation while having the some fixed width values (making it multiline did not work, but it is not that important). So my question now is how can I go back to my original size if that is unknown. Is there multiplier I could use on the widht property?
Here is my code so far:
<Storyboard x:Key="GrowStoryboard">
<DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetName="textBox" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(FrameworkElement.Width)">
<SplineDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.4000000" Value="400" KeySpline="0.54,0.27,0.38,0.69"/>
<Int32Animation Duration="0:0:0.4" From="1" To="3" Storyboard.TargetName="textBox" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(TextBox.MinLines)">
<Storyboard x:Key="ShrinkStoryboard">
<DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetName="textBox" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(FrameworkElement.Width)">
<SplineDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="00:00:00.4000000" Value="200" KeySpline="0.54,0.27,0.38,0.69"/>
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="FocusManager.GotFocus" SourceName="textBox">
<BeginStoryboard x:Name="GrowStoryboard_BeginStoryboard" Storyboard="{StaticResource GrowStoryboard}"/>
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="FocusManager.LostFocus" SourceName="textBox">
<BeginStoryboard x:Name="ShrinkStoryboard_BeginStoryboard" Storyboard="{StaticResource ShrinkStoryboard}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="textBox" Width="200" Height="20" Text="TextBox" />
<TextBox x:Name="textBox1" Width="200" Height="20" Text="TextBox" />