



Hi All,

I am a bit confused about the fact that in C# only the reference types get garbage collected. That means GC picks only the reference types for memory de-allocation. So what happens with the value types as they also occupy memory on stack ?

+3  A: 

A value type on the stack is removed from the stack when it goes out of scope.

+2  A: 

Value types are destroyed as soon as they go out of scope.

+15  A: 

For a start, whether they're on the stack or part of the heap depends on what context they're part of - if they're within a reference type, they'll be on the heap anyway. (You should consider how much you really care about the stack/heap divide anyway - as Eric Lippert has written, it's largely an implementation detail.)

However, basically value type memory is reclaimed when the context is reclaimed - so when the stack is popped by you returning from a method, that "reclaims" the whole stack frame. Likewise if the value type value is actually part of an object, then the memory is reclaimed when that object is garbage collected.

The short answer is that you don't have to worry about it :) (This assumes you don't have anything other than the memory to worry about, of course - if you've got structs with references to native handles that need releasing, that's a somewhat different scenario.)

Jon Skeet

value types would get deallocated when the stack frame is removed after it has been executed i would assume


Would also like to add that stack is at a thread level, and heap is at application domain level.

So, when a thread ends it would reclam the stack memory used by that specific thread.

+1  A: 

There are too many verbs used in this thread, like destroyed, reclaimed, deallocated, removed. That doesn't correspond well with what actually happens. A local variable simply ceases to be, Norwegian parrot style.

Upon entry of a method, the CPUs stack pointer is adjusted, creating a "stack frame". Simply a chunk of bytes on the stack for private use by the method. When the method returns, the stack pointer is adjusted back to its previous value. The local variable values are still there, nothing was done to them. But they won't last long, the next method call quickly overwrites them.

Hans Passant
+5  A: 

I am a bit confused about the fact that in C# only the reference types get garbage collected.

This is not a fact. Or, rather, the truth or falsity of this statement depends on what you mean by "get garbage collected". The garbage collector certainly looks at value types when collecting; those value types might be alive and holding on to a reference type:

struct S { public string str; }
S s = default(S); // local variable of value type
s.str = M(); 

when the garbage collector runs it certainly looks at s, because it needs to determine that s.str is still alive.

My suggestion: clarify precisely what you mean by the verb "gets garbage collected".

GC picks only the reference types for memory de-allocation.

Again, this is not a fact. Suppose you have an instance of

class C { int x; }

the memory for the integer will be on the garbage-collected heap, and therefore reclaimed by the garbage collector when the instance of C becomes unrooted.

Why do you believe the falsehood that only the memory of reference types is deallocated by the garbage collector? The correct statement is that memory that was allocated by the garbage collector is deallocated by the garbage collector, which I think makes perfect sense. The GC allocated it so it is responsible for cleaning it up.

So what happens with the value types as they also occupy memory on stack ?

Nothing at all happens to them. Nothing needs to happen to them. The stack is a million bytes. The size of the stack is determined when the thread starts up; it starts at a million bytes and it stays a million bytes throughout the entire execution of the thread. Memory on the stack is neither created nor destroyed; only its contents are changed.

Eric Lippert
"Memory on the stack is neither created nor destroyed" - I propose we call this **Lippert's Law of [Stack] Memory Preservation**. :)
Greg D