I'm perhaps being a bit lazy asking this here, but I'm just getting started with LINQ and I have a function that I am sure can be turned into two LINQ queries (or one nested query) rather than a LINQ and a couple of foreach statements. Any LINQ gurus care to refactor this one for me as an example?
The function itself loops through a list of .csproj files and pulls out the paths of all the .cs files included in the project:
static IEnumerable<string> FindFiles(IEnumerable<string> projectPaths)
string xmlNamespace = "{http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003}";
foreach (string projectPath in projectPaths)
XDocument projectXml = XDocument.Load(projectPath);
string projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath);
var csharpFiles = from c in projectXml.Descendants(xmlNamespace + "Compile")
where c.Attribute("Include").Value.EndsWith(".cs")
select Path.Combine(projectDir, c.Attribute("Include").Value);
foreach (string s in csharpFiles)
yield return s;