



Although it's true that some recursive-nameserver configurations are (sloppily) referred to as "caching", e.g., by RHEL/Fedora/CentOS, that's a really bad name for that function -- because caching is orthogonal to recursion.

Theoretically, you could write a nameserver that does recursive service but doesn't cache its results. (That would be a bit perverse, and I don't know of any.) Conversely, nameserver packages that cache but know nothing about how to recurse and instead do less-helpful alternative iterative service are common: dnsmasq, pdnsd, etc. ... ...

Above text source:

Please explain what does the author means by "caching is orthogonal to recursion" ?


caching is orthogonal to recursion?

Caching doesn't require/imply recursion.

The term "orthogonal" is meant to be interpreted from a mathematical sense loosely has "the things have nothing in common i.e. separate concepts".

how can both caching and recursion be used together for searching purposes?
Manav MN
Theoretically we can have a function/service which uses both caching and recursion, like a nameserver. If nothing is common, I am not able to comprehend then how they are used together?
Manav MN
+2  A: 

From Wikipedia's definition of orthogonal:

For example, a car has orthogonal components and controls (e.g. accelerating the vehicle does not influence anything else but the components involved exclusively with the acceleration function).

The author is saying that whether a nameserver caches is nothing to do with whether it can recurse.

Dominic Rodger

It mean it is one feature is independent with the other one. Or have bothe feature have no influence with the other one. So they can be implemented independantly

in a programming point of view, two orthogonal features

do_work(bool feature1, bool feature2)
  // do common work

  { //... do this }

   // do common work

  { // do work }

  // do common work

or: if they are not orthogonal:

you need to do this: ( and it may have case where you cant combine the two feature.

do_work(bool feature1, bool feature2)
  if(not feature1 and feature 2)
  { //... do this }

  else if(feature1 and not feature2)
  { // do work }

  // else impossible or different behavior
  // etc..