Hi, I'm working with PDO
connection for mysql
and I'd like to have some opinion on a query I use to check if tags
are present on the database, and to add it in the case it isn't.
// the tags are allready processed in $tags array
$check_stmt = $connection->prepare ("SELECT * FROM tags WHERE tag_name = :tag_name");
$save_stmt = $connection->prepare ("INSERT INTO tags (tag_name) VALUES (:tag_name)");
foreach ($tags as $current_tag) {
$check_stmt->bindParam (':tag_name', $current_tag, PDO::PARAM_STR, 32);
$save_stmt->bindParam (':tag_name', $current_tag, PDO::PARAM_STR, 32);
$check_stmt->execute ($current_tag);
if ($check_stmt->rowCount() == 0) $save_stmt->execute ($current_tag);
I'm not skilled with databases so I'm not sure if the query is well projected