I've got a web part that uses javascript heavily in the implementation of a UI. It also makes use of asynchronous XmlHttpRequest requests to some of the SharePoint web services (I'm using SPServices, btw).
For some requests, the user is confronted with NTLM authentication challenges, and after entering credentials, the request completes. This happens 3 times on one page load, although there are more than 3 requests. There are several things about this that I find confusing:
- as I said, not all requests have this problem
- the user has already accessed the site with NTLM authentication, so why do the ajax requests get challenged?
- This is in a Windows domain environment. In a non-domain environment, this problem does not exist (although Windows auth is being used in both).
Of course, all of this is in IE. One thing I tried was to insert the NTLM authentication header into the ajax request, but that didn't change anything (I didn't really think it would, but it was worth a try).
Any suggestions?