When specific commands/abbreviation/mappings needs to be defined, I always split my plugin into several files:
- the core functions that go into autoload plugin(s)
- the global mappings/commands/abbreviations that go into a "plain" plugin
- the filetype specific stuff that go into ftplugins.
Useless example:
The autoload plugin
" autoload/lh/ThePlugin.vim
let g:multby = 42
function lh#ThePlugin#fn(arg)
return a:arg * g:multby
function lh#ThePlugin#inc_mult()
let g:multby += 1
The "plain" plugin
" plugin/ThePlugin.vim
if exist('g:ThePlugin_loaded') | finish | endif
let g:ThePlugin_loaded = '1.0.0'
nnoremap £ :call lh#ThePlugin#inc_mult()
One ftplugin
" ftplugin/cpp/cpp_ThePlugin.vim
if exist('b:ThePlugin_loaded') | finish | endif
let b:ThePlugin_loaded = '1.0.0'
inoremap <buffer> µ <c-r>=lh#ThePlugin#fn(12)<cr>
PS: note the use of <buffer>
in order to not pollute other filetypes with mappings that make no sense, nor override previously defined (and specific) mappings that do make sense.