




I just installed IIS7.5 on my brand new windows 7 box.

I created a new site using .NEt 2.0 DefaultAppPool, and set up permissions on the database and on the disk for that DefaultAppPool user.

All seemed good, until I deployed and visited my site http://localhost:9000

The page itself worked and returned html, but all static content and scripts were redirected to the logon page.

e.g. /Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js ==>/logon?ReturnUrl=%2fScripts%2fjquery-1.3.2.min.js

This same code when I publish to a live website works flawlessly and is in fact production code.

I had this working fine in Vista IIS7 too, but obviously I haven't set up something properly.

Anyone know how to fix this?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Regards, CV

UPDATE: all URL requests are being redirected to logon page

so if i enter http://localhost:9000/ into the browser i go to http://localhost:9000/logon

which is specified in my config file.

What on earth is deciding my visits should be redirected there? the homepage doesn't have the AUthorize attribute on it.


This indicates that all static files are being handled by ASP.NET... is this really what you want to do? Look at the Handler Mappings section of your website config in IIS Manager. Do you have a "StaticFile" handler set up for "*"?
