




dbunit-maven-plugin 1.0-SNAPSHOT release supported expressing multiple src files under sources tag, how do you do the same on 1.0-beta-3 version which supports only a single src tag


                        <id>populate sample data</id>
+1  A: 

For the time being, I just worked around the problem to have multiple execution blocks to solve the issue. Not sure, if there is a better way to solve this issue

+1  A: 

This improvement is due to MBUNIT-3 which is indeed posterior to the release of 1.0-beta-3. So if you want this feature, either use the 1.0-SNAPSHOT or apply the change in r10226 yourself on the 1.0-beta-3 branch (get the patch for the diffs, apply it and compile your version of 1.0-beta3-patched).

But to be honest, I don't really get why you don't use 1.0-SNAPSHOT. If using a SNAPSHOT is a problem, just build a version with a fixed version number.

Update: Surprisingly, it appears that the SNAPSHOT version of the dbunit-maven-plugin is not published in the codehaus snapshot repository. So, you'll have to checkout the sources and build it yourself to use it. To do so, run the following commands:

svn checkout http://svn.codehaus.org/mojo/trunk/mojo/dbunit-maven-plugin/ dbunit-maven-plugin
cd dbunit-maven-plugin
mvn install

It is really strange that the plugin is not available in the snapshot repository, I'm 100% sure it used to be.

Pascal Thivent
I couldn't locate the 1.0-SNAPSHOT release from the codehaus repository, hence I had to revert my changes back to the 1.0-beta-3 release. (Note: I am also assuming that 1.0-SNAPSHOT to be the latest release compared to 1.0-beta-3)
@Joshua oh, indeed, the snapshot repository doesn't have it at http://snapshots.repository.codehaus.org/org/codehaus/mojo/. You'll need to checkout the sources from http://mojo.codehaus.org/dbunit-maven-plugin/source-repository.html and to install yourself (and yes, the 1.0-SNAPSHOT is the ultimate version until the final 1.0 release)
Pascal Thivent

I was able to use multiple source file option after building 1.0-SNAPSHOT version from the sources using instructions given by Pascal Thivent. This helped me to save writing multiple execution blocks.

Thanks Pascal!.

Here is the code:

will give this a try