



i have the following code.

Twitter t1 = new Twitter("twitteruser","password");
                TwitterUser user =  t1.User.Show("username");
                if (user != null)
                    TwitterParameters param = new TwitterParameters();
                    param.Add(TwitterParameterNames.UserID, user.ID);
                    TwitterStatusCollection t =t1.Status.UserTimeline(param);                   

In the above code, I want to get user timeline. I am using Twitterizer API. The twitter documentation for getting timeline of user is Here

I have checked the fiddler whats going on. In fiddler the request is :

while i am expecting

Is anything left which i miss.

+3  A: 

This is a bug in the latest version of the Twitterizer Library.

I will try to get this corrected and post an update today.

If you run into any other issues, please contact the Twitterizer group directly, on our site ( you'll find links to our mailing list, twitter account, and you can submit but reports directly to our team.

Ricky (Twitterizer founder)

Ricky Smith
The update has been posted (you're the first to be told). Please go download version 1.0.146:
Ricky Smith
Thank you very much. i wish i can give you 2 points.

I've been working with Twitterizer for DAYS now. I can't even tell you how much I hate twitter. It's simply error after error after error with ZERO examples on how to do the simplest tasks such as load a single user's timeline without authentication. Is it too much to ask for a little sample?

Have you visited our website and looked our documentation and example applications? http://www.twitterizer.netIf you have additional questions, you should post them as a new question on stackoverflow (good), to our twitter account @twit_er_izer (better) or on our forums (best).
Ricky Smith

I have to agree with Eric. I only looked at Twitterizer for a few hours, and I have not found one example that shows how to load a user's timeline without authorization.

Will I figure it out eventually? Yeah, I'll have to and I will; but it will take me forever.

The link that Ricky Smith gave ( doesn't have this kind of simple example. The tutorials available on the internet that I found for twitterizer2, even those are not up-to-date and don't quite work or are missing information.

Ricky, how about being a lifesaver to me and others and showing us how to simply look at a user's public timeline, so there's no need for authorization? Whaddya'say?


Here's how to get a user's timeline without using oAuth or any authentication, for that matter:

UserTimelineOptions options = new UserTimelineOptions();
options.ScreenName = "SCREENNAME OF TWITTER USER";
TwitterStatusCollection tweets = TwitterTimeline.UserTimeline(options);