




Is there any way in C to remove (using remove()) multiple files using a * (wildcards)? I have a set of files that all start with Index. For example: Index1.txt Index-39.txt etc. They all start with Index but I don't know what text follows. There are also other files in the same directory so deleting all files won't work.

I know you can read the directory, iterate each file name, read the the first 5 chars, compare and if it fits then delete, but, is there an easier way (this is what I currently do by the way)?

code is appreciated.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that this is standard C, since the code runs on Linux and Windows

+1  A: 

If you don't mind being platform-specific, you could use the system() call:

system("del index*.txt"); // DOS
system("rm index*.txt"); // unix

Here is some documentation on the system() call, which is part of the standard C library (cstdlib).

`system` is implementation specific by definition, so I always add a rider to look up the relevant vendor documentation (if you can find it). Principle of least surprises.
Thanks, but system() is a security nightmare.
Certainly a valid concern. I voted for Epsilon Prime :)
+3  A: 

As you point out you could use diropen, dirread, dirclose to access the directory contents, a function of your own (or transform the wildcards into a regex and use a regex library) to match, and unlink to delete.

There isn't a standard way to do this easier. There are likely to be libraries, but they won't be more efficient than what you're doing. Typically a file finding function takes a callback where you provide the matching and action part of the code. All you'd be saving is the loop.

Epsilon Prime
Thanks for the answer. I always appreciate when people tells you when something cannot be done, instead of BS'ing you.
On Unix instead of converting the wildcards to regular expressions, you should use fnmatch (http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/fnmatch.html).
R Samuel Klatchko
Cool! I never knew that fnmatch() existed.
Epsilon Prime

Is this all the program does? If so, let the command line do the wildcard expansion for you:

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   while (argc--)

on Windows, you need to link against 'setargv.obj', included in the VC standard lib directory.
