





Each node have CCK-3-dev multigroup with 3 fields. Can I use one of fields as table header? Values of this field are taken from Taxonomy.

With a simple recipe example, where food Z and Y are 2 nodes with recipes and each node has multigroup with ingredient name (milk, fish), amount (numbers) and unit (g, kg).

Is there a way to create a table like this with views, I want to use views calc to calculate total amount of ingredient needed to prepare multiple recipes:

           Ingredient A   Ingredient B   Ingredient C
Food Z     200 g          700 g          0 g
Food Y     500 g          1000 g         50 g

I don't even need units by number, but that would be good too. Anyways, how do I get this?


It's easy via theming node. search for help, like http://www.alldrupalthemes.com/drupal-blog/theming-cck-node

Thanks. I need this for calculation of each ingredient amount over all foods so it has to be views that gives me this table, so i can apply views calc module for each column. I am investigating new Views 3 dev version that maybe can help, it has this feature but no docs yet, so maybe another approach?