Is anyone aware of an open source C# based implementation of RDP? Specifically something similar to ProperJavaRDP or Rdesktop.
I'm not looking for addins, 3party controles, etc. I'm looking for a native C# implementation with source.
Is anyone aware of an open source C# based implementation of RDP? Specifically something similar to ProperJavaRDP or Rdesktop.
I'm not looking for addins, 3party controles, etc. I'm looking for a native C# implementation with source.
Check out this CodePlex project:
Terminals is a secure, multi tab terminal services/remote desktop client. It uses Terminal Services ActiveX Client (mstscax.dll). The project started from the need of controlling multiple connections simultaneously. It is a complete replacement for the mstsc.exe (Terminal Services) client.
Try looking at This CodeProject How to Write a Terminal Services Add-in in Pure C# by Selvin
Update: Or look at gnome-rdp at (close - but "no cigar" - since this is a C# (Mono) wrapper for rdesktop etc.) The hard way is to port an existing RDP client, from C/C++ to C# - ex. CoRD (found on
/Erling Damsgaard DNS-IT ApS
Your best bet is to port the rdesktop code. It's already ported it to java so that should give you a good starting point.