I have 200GB / 400Mrows mysql/innodb database - far beyond what's reasonable as I found out.
One surprising problem is restoring backups. mysqldump generates huge sql files, and they take about a week to import back into a fresh database (attempts at making it faster like bigger/smaller transactions, turning off keys during import etc., network compression etc. failed so far, myisam import seems 2x faster but then there would be no transactions).
What's worse - and I hope to get some help with this - a network connection which transfers >200GB over a time period of a week has a non-trivial chance of breaking, and sql import process cannot be continued in any non-trivial way.
What would be the best way of dealing with it? Right now if I notice a broken connection I manually try to figure out when it ended by checking highest primary key of the last imported table, and then have a perlscript which basically does this:
perl -nle 'BEGIN{open F, "prelude.txt"; @a=<F>; print @a; close F;}; print if $x; $x++ if /INSERT.*last-table-name.*highest-primary-key/'
This really isn't the way to go, so what would be the best way?