Hi All,
I'm kindly asking you to help me with this problem:
There's a byte array (data: PByte
) containing DIB data AND DIBHeader:
TDibHeader = record
size: Cardinal;
width: Integer;
height: Integer;
planes: Word;
bits: Word;
compression: Cardinal;
image_size: Cardinal;
x_res: Integer;
y_res: Integer;
n_colors: Cardinal;
important_colors: Cardinal;
How to convert DIB to TBitmap while keeping the CPU usage low ?
I've tried http://files.codes-sources.com/fichier.aspx?id=43989&f=GdipApi.pas with no success.
I've assigned DIB to an Memory Stream:
I suppose there should be DIB header written somewhere before Bitmap.LoadFromMemoryStream(DibMemStream). Not sure where.
Any ideas please ?
Thank you !