



I am using LinkedIn API for search. I wish to implement a feature where a user can search but will not need to login. Login can be done programatically using my own credentials.

I am stranded at a point where I do not know how to enter email and password in c# and then redirection will take place to my callback-url once Grant Access button is clicked programatically.

Meaning I just need the oauth_verfier.

Please help!



Not sure I completely follow what you're building, but would it work can use the pub section of their website? (which isn't very discoverable).

Using a URL like this no credentials are needed:

You could parse the results to display differently, however doing so does violate the site user agreement.

I am pretty sure their public API does not allow for a public search (at least not the last I looked at it)

Ryan Farley

I was in the same spot you're in and gave up on it. I wanted to access public search results from the LinkedIn API in C#. I shouldn't have to log in, it's public! I ended up giving up on it though.

It's a necessary part of the process to redirect the user to a linked in page, then redirect page to your page. Here's a good test application which helped me understand the authentication steps:

Also, the LinkedIn OAuth Authentication document has a good diagram of the authentication flow.
