I am working on an app that will keep a running index of work in accomplished.
I could write once at the end of a work session, but I don't want to risk losing data if something blows up. Therefore, I rewrite to disk (XML) every time a new entry or a correction is made by the user.
private void WriteIndexFile()
XmlDocument IndexDoc
// Build document here
XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(_filePath, Encoding.UTF8);
tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
It is possible for the writes to be triggered in rapid succession. If this happens, it tries to open the file for writing before the prior write is complete. (While it would not be normal, I suppose it is possible that the file gets opened for use by another program.)
How can I check if the file can be re-written?
Edit for clarification: This is part of an automated lab data collection system. The users will click a button to capture data (saved in separate files), and identify the sub-task the the data package is for. Typically, it will be 3-10 minutes between clicks.
If they make an error, they need to be able to go back and correct it, so it's not an append-only usage.
Finally, the files will be read by other automated tools and manually by humans. (XML/XSLT)
The size will be limited as each work session (worker shift or less) will have a new index file generated.
Further question: As the overwhelming consensus is to not use XML and write in an append-only mode, how would I solve the requirement of going back and correcting earlier entries?
I am considering having a "dirty" flag, and save a few minutes after the flag is set and upon closing the work session. If multiple edits happen in that time, only one write will occur - no more rapid user - also have a retry/cancel dialog if the save fails. Thoughts?