



I don't mean the standard mysql-client CLI, but rather something similar to what midnight commander is to filesystem management. The simple command history of the basic cli is not bad but really doesn't cut it when testing more complex query, and the layout of the data isn't that great. PHPMyAdmin is useful and all, but it's ugly and requires a lot of mouse usage.

OS: linux

+1  A: 

dbext.vim provides DB access from within Vi. It provides things like stored connections, schema browsing, command history, some auto completion, and bind variables.

I assume there is something similar for Emacs.

Jackson Miller
Wow access through Vim, I would upvote this 100x! Gonna try it asap
Pretty awesome isn't it.You could make it the accepted answer ;)
Jackson Miller
Well not exactly what I had in mind, but I'm trying it now and it is indeed pretty cool.