



I've searched the internet and this great site particularly, but cannot help myself. I am not very experienced programmer and a friend of mine asked me to fix the bug that is on IE6 only. It works on FF, IE7/8, Opera. Here is the PART of the code that gives error message on IE6:

(function(d, n, r) {
  var ie, jscript, settings = {};
  function add(element, type, listener) { element.addEventListener(type, listener, false); };
  function remove(element, type, listener) { element.removeEventListener(type, listener, false); };
  var l = {change:[], ready:[], load:[]};
  a11y = function(f) {
(self.document, self.navigator);

The error is on line 7: a11y.change(f); All other browsers are OK, just IE6. I am not author of the script, just trying to fix this. Can anybody help, please? There must be some problem with function declaration or...?

+1  A: 

The example looks pretty confused there is a lot of code there that looks to be a distraction.

From what I can see the problem is in this code:

a11y = function(f) {

Here you are defining a new function called a11y and inside the definition of that function you are calling a method 'change' on the function a11y being defined. I'm surprised that works in any browser.

Jon Palmer
Thanks you for your comments. I decided to supply the URL of the test page. Here it is: There is a javascript here: There are more scripts there but I suppose this is the script that is causing the problem. The error I get is "Object doesn't support this property or method" in IE6. Thank you for all your effort. I am not sure what all the script means. I've spent two days trying to find out. Basicly it opens a window ...
+1  A: 

For me it throws an error in IE7 and IE8 as well.

It reports the error line number as line 4 (line 3 in IE6 but IE6 is always off by one). That indicates that the error is in:

function add(element, type, listener) { element.addEventListener(type, listener, false); };  

which isn't surprising since IE doesn't implement addEventListener. The equivalent call on IE is:

element.attachEvent("on" + type, listener)  

It looks like the page is using jQuery, so you should probably use jQuery methods for this.
Instead of calling

add(element, type, listener)  

you could call

$(element).bind(type, listener)

You would also need to fix the "remove" function in line 5.

Sean Hogan

Hi everybody, thanks for all your help. As suggested by Sean Hogan, the problem was that IE doesn't implement addEventListener. I found similar fix somewhere on the internet and it worked for me.

  /*@cc_on // msie hax
  function add(element, type, listener) { remove(element, type, listener); element.attachEvent("on"+ type, listener); };
  function remove(element, type, listener) { element.detachEvent("on"+ type, listener); };
  settings.jscript = jscript = @_jscript_version; = ie = parseFloat(n.userAgent.split("MSIE ")[1]);
   if (d && d.execCommand) {
    try { d.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache",false, true); }
    catch (e) { }

Thanks again!
