



I have this Tetris game written in Java, which uses DB to record high scores. It worked ok as long as I was using remote MySQL DB, but now I'm trying to set up localhost DB using XAMPP MySQL and it keeps going like "SQLException: Communications link failure" at command:

con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/score", user, psw);

I guess it's either wrong URL or DB configuration, but I really don't know what to check. Any ideas?

EDIT: My friend has fixed my problem by replacing "localhost" in URL by "" (which was quite embarrassing as you can surely imagine :P ).

So question is: Why is XAMPP not able to translate "localhost" into IP address and how to fix it?


This post claims to have fixed it. Check it out.

Mentioned skip-networking variable is commented in my XAMPP by default, so I afraid this is not the problem..

In MySql you have to allow access for your user from localhost explicitly. Here is an example (taken from here):

mysql> grant usage on *.* to amarokuser@localhost identified by 'amarokpasswd';
mysql> grant all privileges on amarokdb.* to amarokuser@localhost ;
I'm using root, but I've also tried to create user and give him access and all privileges, just to be sure... not working :/
+1  A: 

Why is XAMPP not able to translate "localhost" into IP address and how to fix it?

This is not a XAMPP problem nor a programming problem. This is more a DNS problem.

To start, do you have a %SystemRoot%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts file with the following line as first line? (thus, after all comments, but before any other host declarations) localhost

Update: as per the comments I've Googled a bit and it look like that the MySQL JDBC driver doesn't eat IPv6 addresses at all. In other words, you'll need to change ::1 to But I also found this topic which mentions that you can use the following JVM argument to fix this problem:

What about "::1 localhost"? That should do just the same, shouldn't it?
That makes sense, thank you for you research ;)