



In the past I've used performance profiling tools such as nprof, Equatec profiler and Yourkit profiler to identify and remove/reduce performance bottlenecks in code mostly running in one thread (serialized execution). Nowadays I write a lot of multi-threaded code which can be slowed down by lock contention; what tools and tricks can be used to identify where lock contention is occuring and by how much?

+2  A: 

This is available soon, currently shipping in Visual Studio 2010 beta 2. Here's a video of the tool.

Hans Passant
Very interesting. This is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. For those interested these tools are available in the freely available Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2; However, be sure to get the Premium or Ultimate editions. Also the thread visualizations shown in linked video are only available under some operating systems - they weren't available on my XP box but were enabled on my Vista box (both 64bit BTW).
+1  A: 

Try ThreadChecker from Intel. It works on both Windows and Linux. If you're working on Windows, then try Parallel Studio. It provides a easy-to-use locks-and-waits profiler. It shows overall concurrency during the runtime, which gives hints on lock contentions and poor concurrency. The tools are doing right now what you want.


For developing on Windows, Software Verification have some (

For C, C++, Delphi try Thread Validator.

For Java, there is also Java Thread Validator.

There are also experimental versions for Python and Ruby.

Stephen Kellett