I am making a book shop and want to add a fancy jQuery order form. The point is that the user shall choose the quantity of a book with a minus and plus button and then let JavaScript calculate a total sum for that book.
I have a markup as follows:
<td><p>Book title</p></td>
<td><p><a href="#" class="bookDecrement">-</a><input type="text" class="bookQuantity disabled" disabled /><a href="#" class="bookIncrement">+</a></p></td>
<td><p><input type="text" class="bookPrice disabled" value="70" disabled /></p></td>
<td><p><input type="text" class="bookTotal disabled" disabled /></p></td>
How do I reach the bookPrice and bookTotal class in this row with jQuery? Since I have multiple book titles I need to only access the input filed in the current row.