I want to validate Time-Start and Time-End. The time format is like this 2:15:00 AM I want to make sure that the Time-End must be greater or equal to the Time-Start.
The Time-Start gets the time from DropDownListHourStart(1-12) and DropDownListMinuteStart(1-59) and DropDownListSecondStart(00) and DropDownListAMPMStart(AM-PM)
The Time-End gets the time from DropDownListHourEnd(1-12) and DropDownListMinuteEnd(1-59) and DropDownListSecondEnd(00) and DropDownListAMPMEnd(AM-PM)
I want to check that time-end is equal to or greater than time-in. Can you show me any time validation technique? Whether it's jQuery, JavaScript, or ASP.NET control validator. Thank you.