I have seen programmers code way too fast in the classic procedural way. They can code authentication systems in a few hours. Nice, neat, and most notably...delivered "lightning" fast.
But, a major flaw is that whenever a change occurs, we had to go through the core code to fix things.
So I thought of using design patterns; but that would mean adding a really big thing to ow we handle things: we had to do systems analysis via diagrams, so we can effectively apply design patterns like observer and composite, decorator, factory, singleton...etc...and our bosses would definitely not like to hear that we "need additional time" when everything we have done the procedural way went a hell lot faster (not to mention we can always modify the core).
With small projects like, say, a hotel listing site...or a product gallery site(with a whle lot of features), would the "additional time" to do diagramming be worth it?
A side question: did you ever have to change things from when your group just jumped straight to programming to having to dedicate a week for "boring" diagramming and analysis?