




Hi friends,

I have aptana studio and install the air adobe 2.0 beta version. I have export a sample program with the extension of air.. But i dont know how to instal it to show as a windows application..

My requirement is :: I want to show up a html page as a windows application. Am i going in the right path. Please help me how to proceed it.

And also i am having some sample air file downloaded from websites.. How to work on it.

+1  A: 
  1. intall AIR runtime
  2. then clicking the "*.air" file will install it (system will invoke AIR runtime)
  3. the AIR runtime will also create short-cuts for you, which will be shown as windows application
yes for that we need to install the ADOBE AIR INSTALLER. Its nearly 15 mb.. Any how thanks..

As Francis mentions and the devnet guide as well, make sure you have AIR installed.

I haven't used Aptana for AIR, but their run guide looks pretty straight forward.

George Profenza

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