



We have three options to view any .aspx page in a tab

  • Design
  • Source
  • Split

How can we view Design and Source in separate tabs for a any aspx page ?

Or if this is impossible!! can we use split option by Vertically splitting the Design and Source ? if later one is possible, I could stretch the view onto two monitors like here as suggested by Nick Craver.


+2  A: 

It's possible to get what you want, ScottGu made an excellent blog post describing how.

Short version:

Options -> HTML Designer -> General -> Check Split Views Vertically

Nick Craver
+1  A: 

There's an option in Visual Studio to choose how you want to orientate the split. Instructions and pictures here. Quick instruction:

To enable vertical split-view orientation in VS 2008, select the tools->options menu item and go to the HTML Designer->General section. Then check the "Split views vertically" checkbox.
