Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere... I have found a lot of posts on similar things but not the same.
I want to ensure that only one instance of an object exists at a time BUT I don't want that object to be retained past its natural life-cycle, as it might be with the Singleton pattern.
I am writing some code where processing of a list gets triggered (by external code that I have no control over) every minute. Currently I just create a new 'processing' object each time and it gets destroyed when it goes out of scope, as per normal. However, there might be occasions when the processing takes longer than a minute, and so the next trigger will create a second instance of the processing class in a new thread.
Now, I want to have a mechanism whereby only one instance can be around at a time... say, some sort of factory whereby it'll only allow one object at a time. A second call to the factory will return null, instead of a new object, say.
So far my (crappy) solution is to have a Factory type object as a nested class of the processor class:
class XmlJobListProcessor
private static volatile bool instanceExists = false;
public static class SingletonFactory
private static object lockObj = new object();
public static XmlJobListProcessor CreateListProcessor()
if (!instanceExists)
lock (lockObj)
if (!instanceExists)
instanceExists = true;
return new XmlJobListProcessor();
return null;
return null;
private XmlJobListProcessor() { }
I was thinking of writing an explicit destructor for the XmlJobListProcessor class that reset the 'instanceExists' field to false.
I Realise this is a seriously terrible design. The factory should be a class in its own right... it's only nested so that both it and the instance destructors can access the volatile boolean...
Anyone have any better ways to do this? Cheers