




Hello .. I want to insert an array in ONE field in mysql database using PHP ..

this is work fine :


anotherField :<input type="text"  name="anotherField" />

fax :<input type="text"  name="f[]" />
email :<input type="text"  name="f[]" />
phone :<input type="text"  name="f[]" />

PHP (I use CodeIgniter frame) :

    function addCustomRow($tableName)

    $arr = $this->input->post('f');
    $field = implode("|", $arr);

        $data = array(
        'anotherField'          => $this->input->post('anotherField'),
        'field'             => $field

        $this->db->insert($tableName, $data);

and I get data in mysql like this


BUT ..

My question is .. I want many arrays in the same field .. Like this :

fax|email|phont :br: fax|email|phone :br: fax|email|phone ..

I tried some thing like this :

Html :

Frist array :
fax :<input type="text" class="inp" name="f[0][0]" />
email :<input type="text" class="inp" name="f[0][1]" />
phone :<input type="text" class="inp" name="f[0][2]" />

Second array :
fax :<input type="text" class="inp" name="f[1][0]" />
email :<input type="text" class="inp" name="f[1][1]" />
phone :<input type="text" class="inp" name="f[1][2]" />


    function addCustomRow($tableName)

    $arr = $this->input->post('f[]');
    $field = implode(":br:", $arr);

        $data = array(
        'anotherField'          => $this->input->post('anotherField'),
        'field'             => $field

        $this->db->insert($tableName, $data);

but it says Wrong [ Severity: Notice Message: Array to string conversion ] and I get data in mysql like this

array :br: array  


I want to do that like this way because I have a Categories Table .. and each cat has own details ( fields ) .. so when I add new cat I just do some thing like this

       name of cat : <input type="text"  name="name" />

   <!-- Fields -->
    Fields //

    Field 1 :
    title of the filde : <input type="text"  name="f[0][0]" />
    type : <input type="text"  name="f[0][1]" /> <!-- 1= text , 2= select , 3= textarea ..  -->
    default value : <textarea rows="8" cols="20" name="f[0][2]"> </textarea> <!-- if select type write value1::value2::value3  ... -->

Field 2 :
title of the filde : <input type="text"  name="f[1][0]" />
type : <input type="text"  name="f[1][1]" /> <!-- 1= text , 2= select , 3= textarea ..  -->
default value : <textarea rows="8" cols="20" name="f[1][2]"> </textarea> <!-- if select type write value1::value2::value3  ... -->

Field 3 :
title of the filde : <input type="text"  name="f[2][0]" />
type : <input type="text"  name="f[2][1]" /> <!-- 1= text , 2= select , 3= textarea ..  -->
default value : <textarea rows="8" cols="20" name="f[2][2]"> </textarea> <!-- if select type write value1::value2::value3  ... -->

and I can add any number of fields here ..

in database I want data inserted like this :

[nameOfBook|1|anyName :br: noOfPages|1|anyNo ]

and in the other cat like this for example :

[colorOfcar|2|red::black::green :br: price|1|anyPrice ]

any help ?

thanks in advance ..


Why are you storing multiple values in one field?!

While a completely valid question, this is not an answer. It belongs as a comment.
Justin Johnson
This is a response that should make him consider whether is question is worth answering.
You'll notice that the header of this subsection is "Answers." I agree that the OP should question his original methods, but answering with a question that doesn't go into any detail doesn't add or have any value.
Justin Johnson
+2  A: 

To store an array in one field, just serialize it. When you need to access the array from the database unserialize it.

+1 - just what i was going to suggest :)
serialize and unserialize will do the trick and as Justin Johnson also mentioned it's also good to normalize them
Gerard Banasig
thanks .. I have used it before asking but I did not know how .. How can I use it in my case here ?
+3  A: 

First and foremost, I would suggest that you try to normalize your table scheme a little more. Storing multiple, multiple values in one field is going to cause many headaches. Perhaps, something like this:

alt text

In this scheme, the contact_information table is associated with the person table by storing an ID (foreign reference) to a person row. This way, you can have as many contact entries for any given person, without having to cram an array of data into one field.

At any rate, to solve your problem as it is, try serializing the data before you insert it into the DB.

function addCustomRow($tableName) {    
    $data = array(
        'anotherField' => $this->input->post('anotherField'),
        'field'        => serialize($this->input->post('f[]'))

    $this->db->insert($tableName, $data);

Edit: updated to address comment.

Justin Johnson
thanks for your answer .. umm but it dosnt work ..I have to use $data var to insert all the data but I use you answer like this function addCustomRow($tableName) { $data = array( 'name' => $this->input->post('name'), 'fields' => serialize($this->input->post('f[]')) ); $this->db->insert($tableName, $data); }and I get data mysqyl like this ( b:0; ) !!
Sorry about that, copy and pasted into the wrong place. I've updated my answer with the corrected code.
Justin Johnson
thanks .. I use your new code but also it says wrong ( A Database Error OccurredError Number: 1054Unknown column 'anotherField' in 'field list'INSERT INTO `cats` (`anotherField`, `field`) VALUES (0, 'b:0;'))
oh sorry ! .. I change the name of the field to (name) , the data is inserted but I get that ( b:0; ) in my field :(

@Justin Johnson

thanks for your answer .. umm but it dosnt work .. I have to use $data var to insert all the data but I use you answer like this

function addCustomRow($tableName)

    $data = array(
        'name'          => $this->input->post('name'),
        'fields'            => serialize($this->input->post('f[]'))

    $this->db->insert($tableName, $data);

and I get data mysqyl like this ( b:0; ) !!


@Suku thanks .. I have used it before asking but I did not know how .. How can I use it in my case here ? ..


because I have table named (categories) and every cat has own fields like :

carsCat >
  type :

BooksCat >

and so on .. I find this way the Best way maybe in my case .. any suggestions :)

SO is not a forum ;) If you need to respond to someone, you can leave a comment on their question like this.
Justin Johnson
oh sorry ! .. but I can not write code very will as a comment ? ..sorry any way , my English is weak :(
No problem. You can always edit your original question with any new information that you need to add (like the cars and books schemes), which I suggest you do.
Justin Johnson

Hi again !

I did it with a small trick :) I just add one heddin input with value (:br:) , and keep all names of inputs equal (f[]) .. like this :


field out of the array :
anotherField :<input type="text"  name="name" />

Field 1 :
title of the field : <input type="text"  name="f[]" />
type : <input type="text"  name="f[]" /> <!-- 1= text , 2= select , 3= textarea ..  -->
value : <textarea rows="8" cols="20" name="f[]"> </textarea> <!-- if select type write value1::value2::value3  ... -->
<input type="hidden" name="f[]" value=":br:" />

Field 1 :
title of the field : <input type="text"  name="f[]" />
type : <input type="text"  name="f[]" /> <!-- 1= text , 2= select , 3= textarea ..  -->
value : <textarea rows="8" cols="20" name="f[]"> </textarea> <!-- if select type write value1::value2::value3  ... -->
<input type="hidden" name="f[]" value=":br:" />


function addCustomRow($tableName)
$arrF1 = $this->input->post('f');
$f = implode("|", $arrF1);

$data = array(
    'name'  => $this->input->post('name'),
        'fields'    => $f

$this->db->insert($tableName, $data);


now I get data in mysql like this :


for example :


Then I can return the data from mysql database easily like this : (I use Smarty ! )


  {assign var=fieldsBr value=":br:|"|explode:$r.values} <!-- exploade :br: -->

    {foreach from=$fieldsBr item=ff}
    {assign var=f value="|"|explode:$ff} <!-- exploade | -->
    {$f[0]} :  <b>{$f[2]}</b>  <br />  <!-- title of field :  the value  <br />  -->

** Notice I use 2 explode here One for (:br:|) and the other for (|) ..

Thanks any way for your help ..

Ahmad ..
