Hi all, I'm writing a program. This program transfer Datas to MySql Database Which is in SQL Server Datas. MySql Database Default CharSet is Latin1. Usually Latin5 charset is using for Turkish characters. Bu ı cant change the mySql table's CharSet. Because its very old a database. Is any way to Import Turkish chars to mySql database correctly??
To test try:
CREATE TABLE newtable LIKE oldtable;
-- change the character latin character set to latin5
ALTER TABLE newtable MODIFY latin1_text_col TEXT CHARACTER SET latin5;
INSERT INTO newtable
SELECT * from oldtable;
If everything looks good you can drop the old table and rename the newtable to have the same name as the oldtable.
2010-02-01 15:45:31
I haven't to create a new a table. I must insert datas to old table.
2010-02-01 15:49:34