
Well, based on the constraints that you have put on the solution. I would either go with option 2 or 3. There is not an elegant solution to this at all.

I would however, lean towards your third option, as a "one time" fix to get the files linked, so that the path between them is known, and you are not dynamically adding path information into every query.


I'll just mention, but I'm sure you already know this, that if you are looking at doing something like this, it just feels wrong to be doing it with Access, let alone access 2000 at this time for client deployments. I would strongly recommend additionally truly evaluating the solution and see if you can either merge to one, or possibly move to SQL Server Express or something that you could send off to the user as an installer

Mitchel Sellers
Please explain exactly what aspects of the original question indicate that the project exceeds the capabilities of Jet 4.0 as a data store.
This type of configuration is easier to manage, deploy and configure if you do not have to rely on physical file paths and other items. As I noted it is just a general gut feeling that this isn't the best solution.
Mitchel Sellers

To get around the 'different install paths' problem I use code (on every database load) which first looks for any back end databases in the current db folder; if not found, it asks the user to locate the missing .mdb file. Then the code relinks the database(s). Once the dbs have been successfully linked, the database saves the path and checks this path first on subsequent loads.

I think the vb.net tag indicates that this isn't an Access app.
oops, guess you're right. Well, it's easy in Access :)

Is Project split, as it should be, to allow a front end on each user's computer? If so, can you not store the path on the front-end and only re-link if it changes? Code to re-link tables is quite simple, for the most part. The user can be allowed to browse for the location and the Connect property can be updated accordingly.
