I would like to implement a mulithtreaded crawler using the single thread crawler code I have now. Basically I read the urls from a text file, take each one and crawl and parse it. I know how thread basics of creating a thread and assigning a process to it but not too sure how to implement in the following way:
I need at least 3 threads and need to assign a url to each thread from a list of urls, and then each needs to go and fetch it and parse it before adding contents to a database.
Dim gthread, tthread, ithread As Thread
gthread = New Thread(AddressOf processUrl)
tthread = New Thread(AddressOf processUrl))
ithread = New Thread(AddressOf processUrl))
If gthread.ThreadState = ThreadState.Running Then
GoTo WaitUntilAllAreOver
End If
Now the code maynot make sense but what I need to do is add a unique url to each thread to go process.
Any ideas appreciated