



I'm using WebControl from Windows Forms in C# and I'm trying to load a Web Ajax content (i suposed that the content is ajax) this is the code of the page retrieve from the explorer:

<ul id="building">
   <li id="button1" class="on">
    <div class="supply1">
     <div class="buildingimg">
      <a class="fastBuild tips" title="|Expandir Mina de metal al nivel 11" href="index.php?page=resources&session=ccec6b62991a&modus=1&type=1&menge=1&token=ae485059d2eb1d87bc6f181744a4b4ab">
       <img src="img/layout/sofort_bauen.gif" width="22" height="14" />
      </a><a class="detail_button tips slideIn" title="|Mina de metal" ref="1" id="details"
       href="#"><span class="ecke"><span class="level"><span class="textlabel">Mina de metal
       </span>10 </span></span></a>

When press the image a new panel load without reload entire page.

How i can simulate the click on image to load the panel?

In other control in this page i use myWebBrowser.Document.RaiseEvent("") Method to simulate clicks, but in this case no is any onclick event ... i don't understand how launch the loading of the panel ..

In the botom of the page are some javascript methods (i not put all scripts because are big)

PD: Sorry my english, i'm studing it. thanks.

I'm re-reading the code and i view this code:

function loadDetails(type)

{ $.post( "index.php?page=resources&session=ccec6b62991a&ajax=1", { type: type}, function(data){ $("#detail").html(data); $("#techDetailLoading").hide(); $("input[type='text']:first", document.forms["form"]).focus();



Can it relationship with my question?