Loading/Selecting a (non-ajax) tab from within one of the other tabs can be done by using
$('#mytabscontainer').tabs('select', 3)
However, I need to be able to reload the active tab, and above method does not work for that. Neither does
$('#mytabcontainer').tabs('load', 3)
Any ideas on how to achive this?
** Solution **
In the jQuery 'tabs' plugin, replace the line containing:
if (($li.hasClass('ui-tabs-selected') && !o.collapsible) ||
if (
And add a css to the page / or edit the jQuery css files, so that you get:
div.ui-tabs ul li.ui-tabs-selected a {cursor: pointer !important;}
This will change tabs so that they're always selecteable, even if they've previously been clicked upon.