I am interested in using Xaml with expression blend for creating user interfaces in an application. However, because of the limitations of the target architecture, I cannot use WPF or C#.
So, what I am interested in is in any examples / existing projects or advice from anyone who has experiance of this technology on the use of Xaml in it's "Pure" form as a specification language not tied to WPF.
Specific questions:
1) Is it possible to use Blend + Xaml without the WPF elements, or without C# backing classes?
2) Are there any other implementations of Xaml parsers etc. which use different architectures, and can they work with blend or similar tools.
3) Are there alternative editor / designer tools which can help in this situation?
I am aware of the MyXaml and MycroXaml projects, and have found a lot of resources on the web about Xaml, but 99% of it relates directly to WPF. This is fine for understanding the concepts of Xaml, but doesn't help with the implimentation I need.
Many thanks!