



I used to be able to do the following in Preview 3

<%=Html.BuildUrlFromExpression<AController>(c => c.AnAction(par1, par2)%>

How am I supposed to create urls in a strongly typed way with the MVC Beta? The only thing so far I have found is

<%= Html.ActionLink("aName", "ActionName", "ControllerName")%>

This is not strongly typed off course.

+5  A: 

You need the ASP.NET MVC Beta Futures, which is a separate download

ASP.NET MVC Beta Futures

then your original code will work as before.

See this post for getting it working: SO post on missing extensions

Sam Mackrill
Thanks. So if you didn't know that you had to download an extra part of it, there is no way of creating a type safe url?!Also, how did you know that?
From the SO post I have added
Sam Mackrill
+2  A: 

The Microsoft.Web.Mvc assembly provides extension methods to the HtmlHelper which allow something like

<%= Html.ActionLink<SomeController>(c => c.Index()) %>