I had built a custom XML merge with Microsoft Word 2007 using the docx format, allowing the user to access fields expressed in a schema and include them in a Word DocX. I then opened the file, did the search/replace throughout the document, closed it up and opened it, fully merged, in Word. With the patent suit loss, new users of our software will not be able to create the documents because the custom XML schema has been turned off.
I am thinking to do the same and/or similar in OpenOffice, but finding examples online of anything close have evaded me, so far. I need information on how I might drop "tags" into a document that I can find and replace, or have access to a schema from within Open Office Writer. Note that a reference to the regular mail merge, which assumes a flat merge file, won't work in my case because I have multiple tables/one to many relations, etc.
Any links or ideas would be appreciated.