




I've successfully created code that serializes a complex javascript object and posts it to an ASP.NET page. I can get the JSON string using Request.Form and the result looks like this (I've added indentation for readability):

    "gasterPerStolPerVecka": {
        "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka",
        "keyValue_id": "2",
        "set_id": "1",
        "containerElement": "#gasterPerStolPerVecka",
        "keyValueComponents": [
                "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka_guestsPerWeek",
                "value": "200"
                "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka_numberOfChairs",
                "value": "100"
        "keyValueUnitText": "gäster/stol per vecka",
        "keyValueCalculationMethod": "divide",
        "isValid": true,
        "result": 2
    "tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka": {
        "name": "tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka",
        "keyValue_id": "1",
        "set_id": "1",
        "containerElement": "#tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka",
        "keyValueComponents": [
                "name": "tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka_openHoursPerWeek",
                "value": "35"
                "name": "tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka_numberOfChairs",
                "value": "100"
        "keyValueUnitText": "stolstimmar/vecka",
        "keyValueCalculationMethod": "multiply",
        "isValid": true,
        "result": 3500
    "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligStolOchVecka": {
        "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligStolOchVecka",
        "keyValue_id": "",
        "set_id": "",
        "containerElement": "#planeradIntaktPerTillgangligStolOchVecka",
        "keyValueComponents": [
                "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligStolOchVecka_weeklyRevenue",
                "value": ""
                "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligStolOchVecka_numberOfChairs",
                "value": "100"
        "keyValueUnitText": "kr",
        "keyValueCalculationMethod": "divide",
        "isValid": false,
        "result": null,
        "errorText": "Ofullständigt underlag för beräkning."
    "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligaStolstimmar": {
        "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligaStolstimmar",
        "keyValue_id": "",
        "set_id": "",
        "containerElement": "#planeradIntaktPerTillgangligaStolstimmar",
        "keyValueComponents": [
                "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligaStolstimmar_weeklyRevenue",
                "value": ""
                "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligaStolstimmar_openHoursPerWeek",
                "value": "35"
                "name": "planeradIntaktPerTillgangligaStolstimmar_numberOfChairs",
                "value": "100"
        "keyValueUnitText": "kr",
        "keyValueCalculationMethod": "divide_divide",
        "isValid": false,
        "result": null,
        "errorText": "Ofullständigt underlag för beräkning."

Now I try to deserialize this on the server side, but it's difficult. I keep getting the error:

[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]

I don't know where to start looking for errors?

Thanks in advance! /Thomas Kahn


You need to use a deserialization library for ASP.NET. See for libraries that are available or maybe there is one built into ASP.NET. Either way, the code will look like:

String s = getAppropriateFormField();
Object o = JSONLibraryPackage.parse(s);

where obviously you'll have to fill in the blanks for how you get the form field and then what package and method does the parsing.


use stringify instead serialization


Thanks for replying! Here's some more background information regarding what I'm trying to do.

The actual deserialization syntax (ASP.NET 2.0) that I'm using looks like this:

Nyckeltal nyckeltal = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Nyckeltal>(tempString);

The class "Nyckeltal" (Key Value in Swedish) looks like this. There is also a class called "Nyckeltalskomponent" (Key Value Component in Swedish) that is used to store a list of key value components in the "Nyckeltal" object:

public class Nyckeltal

{ public Nyckeltal() { }

public string name {set; get;} public string keyValue_id { set; get; } public string set_id { set; get; } public string containerElement { set; get; } public List keyValueComponents { set; get; } public string keyValueUnitText { set; get; } public string keyValueCalculationMethod { set; get; } public bool isValid { set; get; } public string result { set; get; } }

public class Nyckeltalskomponent { public Nyckeltalskomponent() { }

public string name {set; get;} public string value {set; get;} }

And I have it working with a JSON test string that looks like this:

    "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka",
    "keyValue_id": "2",
    "set_id": "1",
    "containerElement": "#gasterPerStolPerVecka",
    "keyValueComponents": [
            "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka_guestsPerWeek",
            "value": "200"
            "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka_numberOfChairs",
            "value": "100"
    "keyValueUnitText": "gäster/stol per vecka",
    "keyValueCalculationMethod": "divide",
    "isValid": true,
    "result": 2,
    "errorText": "Ofullständigt underlag för beräkning."

The problem is that this is a single JSON object. In the JSON string that I'm getting back from the page, there are several JSON objects (members) encapsulated in one object. Each memnber has a name/key. The syntax is this (simplified):


According to JSONLint, this syntax is fully valid so I'm suspecting that the problems I'm experiencing are caused by:

  1. My server side classes
  2. The way I'm using JavaScriptSerializer
  3. Some limitation in the JavaScriptSerializer class

When I attempt to deserialize several JSON objects, I use this class:

public class AllaNyckeltal { public AllaNyckeltal() { } public List nyckeltal { set; get; } }

And the ASP.NET code looks like this:

string tempString = Request.Form[0];
AllaNyckeltal allaNyckeltal = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<AllaNyckeltal>(tempString);

The error I get when I try this is Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

It's hopeful that I'm getting some results, I just think I need some expert help to cross the finish line.

/Thomas Kahn
