



I am carrying out a PDA version application from windows version. But found out Rfc2898DeriveBytes isn't supported by WM. So how could I do to replace this piece of code in WM and change nothing about the algorithm?

Many thanks.


I guess the first answer is that you could build your own. The RFC2898 spec is here.

That would be the only way I know of to get exactly the same features. The easiest way might be to combine some of the algorithms in the documentation.

Whilst I have not used them, I am told that OpenNetCF community edition has passwordDeriveBytes. So you might be able to make use of that if the license is right.

Glenn Condron
+1  A: 

You could check out this on, it is part of the DotGNU Portable .NET source.


'Rfc2898DeriveBytes' (This is a inherited class from DeriveBytes...)

On another note, you could check the OpenNETCF Smart Device Framework Community Edition, they have a DeriveBytes class, so you could extend it by inheriting from it to make the Rfc2898DeriveBytes implementation by copying/pasting the code from

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.
