
I don't have a problem executing your batch. Hope someone can help you soon. But while you are at it, here's an alternative done with Vbscript, which i think you should get familiar with.

Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
strFile = objArgs(0)
WScript.Echo CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFile(strFile).ShortName

on the command line (or your batch), call it like this

C:\test>cscript //nologo getshortname.vbs "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\shortcut.lnk"

Well I just confirmed it. I tested the script with CMD.EXE from XP SP1, SP2, and SP3 as well as an SP2 VM installation. It gave the aforementioned erroneous results with the SP1 version, but worked correctly in the SP2 and SP3 versions. So it is indeed a bug that was fixed. For anyone else who runs into this, the CMD.EXE file from SP2+ can be dropped into an SP1 installation without issue (assuming that an update is not feasible).

Synetech inc.
Wow! The down-votes without explanations were super-useful! You guys (whomever did it) rock!
Synetech inc.
Oh, and down-voting a correct answer is just plain studpid. The answer I figured out is in fact correct, and anyone who runs into the same issue would be able to get the answer they are looking for, but some d-bag down-voted it (without even leaving a comment to explain themselves!), so passers-by may think it is incorrect. :roll:
Synetech inc.