



I have a WebBrowser object in a WPF Page and I'm trying to do something whenever the user interacts with the page. I have intially tried to use the events associated with the WebBrowser object but they don't seem to be firing. Below is a simplified example of what my code is trying to do:

webBrowser.MouseDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(webBrowser_MouseDown);

with the event handler as:

void webBrowser_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

However when I run the page and click inside the WebBrowser no message box is displayed.

Apologies, originally I had mentioned that it was a System.Controls WebBrowser rather than a Forms browser.

+2  A: 

Mouse events are not supported by the WebBrowser control, according to the documentation. You need to hook up handlers to the DOM events provided by the document being displayed in the control, using the WebBrowser.Document property. This post has an example of how to do this.

Anders Fjeldstad
This put me on the right track. Similar procedure:
It's also helpful to checkout: if you plan to use the browser while handling events!

There is a difference between System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser and System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser. Controls.WebBrowser is the WPF browser control, and the Document object does not have the same capabilities as the Forms.WebBrowser control. I have struggled with this control and having it do what I need. I haven't been able to figure out how to solve this problem either.


Add the ms html com library

Once the WebBrowser.LoadCompleted event fires try this:

mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event doc = ((mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)Browser.Document); doc.onmouseover += new mshtml.HTMLDocumentEvents2_onmouseoverEventHandler(doc_onmouseover);

or use some other event.

Hope this helps someone.
