




In the GWT Stock Watch tutorial it seems to be polling the server every 4 seconds for new data. Is this the standard way GWT works or is it possible to use a push type technology so that when new events are raised on the server the client code gets called?

+1  A: 

This is the standard way GWT works. The incubator has a page outlining how you can achieve push with GWT.

Robert Munteanu
If you have Java on the server side, you can use stuff rocket-gwt (http://code.google.com/p/rocket-gwt/wiki/Comet) or cometd (http://cometdproject.dojotoolkit.org/). If you have something else (like PHP) it gets harder but it's doable - there's Ape-Project (http://www.ape-project.org/home.html) and NGiNX_HTTP_Push_Module (http://pushmodule.slact.net/). I prefer nginx's one (because you don't have to use any external js lib like mootools, you can write easily your own client side - the protocol is nice and easy), but Ape-Server is worth checking out too.
Igor Klimer

The concept of server push (aka COMET) can be achieved using GWT. You should check out Stream Hub. It is closed source for the time being but I believe it is active. I hope they open source it :).

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