




I have a WPF TabControl that I want to position the tabs with a TabStripPlacement of Top, but I want them to display with a right orientation on top. I've achieved that easily by doing a FlowDirection of RightToLeft; however, I don't want the children controls to inherit the RightToLeft FlowDirection.

Is there any way to position the tabs on the top on the right without using the FlowDirection property?


I'm not sure about this, you could always try creating a custom style for the TabControl to specify how the tabs are laid out. Alternatively, just use FlowDirection and specify the FlowDirection as LeftToRight on each individual TabItem so the child controls display normally.

Thank you for taking the time to reply! I should clarify that I am setting the FlowDirection of each TabItem to LeftToRight which works on the display side. I'm trying to accomplish the following: http://www.grumpydev.com/2009/01/03/taking-wpf-screenshots/. The screenshots are captured, but they are backwards when the TabControl FlowDirection is set to RightToLeft.
I took your suggestion and used a custom style and set the TabPanel tag's FlowDirection like so: <TabPanel Grid.Row="0" IsItemsHost="true" FlowDirection="RightToLeft"/>. Then I left the TabControl's FlowDirection to RightToLeft. This achieved what I was looking for. Thanks again!
No problem, glad I could help :-)