



I want to ask a server, whose IP I know, to send the date and time to a client.

How can I implement this in Java?

+3  A: 
John Weldon
@John Weldon: The updated question is much clearer, but unless Mr. jinguy can read lightux's mind, I would say that's completely a different question. I think the former ( while not clear ) was about to see what connections have been made to a server. I guess we will never know
Actually, I didn't look to see who made the edits. I didn't think that the updated question reflected the original question, but I guess it's up to the OP to clarify.. Thanks @Oscar.
John Weldon
+2  A: 

Your question is not clear so I'll post a number of possible answers.

If the server exists and have a protocol to answer your request

  • A1. Create a program ( probably using Sockets ) to query that server.

If the server exists but doesn't have a protocol to answer your request and YOU own that server and already logs ...which IP has been known to respond the date and time

  • A2. Read those logs in the server ( probably using InputStreamReader ) Create the protocol answer the request ( Socket ) and then go to A1.

If the server exists but doesn't have a protocol to answer your request and you own that server and doesn't logs ...which IP has been known to respond the date and time

  • A3. Forget it

If The server exists but doesn't have a protocol to answer your request and you DON'T own that server.

  • A4. Go to A3

If the server doesn't exists and you can create it.

  • A5 Create the server code and then go to A2

If the server doesn't exist and you cannot create it

  • A6 Go to A3

... And so on.

+1  A: 

Article describing the details:


:-o So that was what he wanted!!! :) +1