



My web app writes to several folders (logs, uploads, etc), and I've always set these permissions manually through my hosting provider.

I'd like to create a setup script that performs this on new installations. Is this possible under Medium trust?

I can't even call File.GetAccessControl, let alone File.SetAccessControl, but I don't need such a "big hammer", anyway. I just want to do what the ISP (in this case GoDaddy) is letting me do through a management console.

I believe PHP is able to do this, and I'd be willing to consider a PHP page for this purpose if that's possible.


The only way to make it is to set it on windows server property security and to enable user account under iis5 or network service under iis6+. This is not related with Hehe. i was hosting my things on godaddy and same thing. They told u same as me, u must code things in medium trust. I tihnk that GoDaddy diserver an law suit because they give false information to people. So if u can do that, please do so. medium trust mode doesn't have anything with folder write permission for folder that are in the same tree as website root folder. Medium trust just means that u can't go to other folders that are out of website scope. Medium trust blocks certan things (reflection and such) and doesn't have anything with write permissions (or any other trust). File system is the domain of windows server. As i rember (leave GoDaddy ASAP) godaddy will give an ability to make an folder writeable but u can't do that 4 network service. As i remember u can do that for internet user or for everyone - which is totaly unsecure. They give u a lot of space without the ability to save!! that is just great! And when u tell them to do place network service write rights they don't want to do that and they give u answer: "You should program things in medium trust". Today i am far better expert, and in those times i didn't know that, i lost two weeks on godaddy (not just on medium trust, SQL management also). They are the worst hosting company ever.

I have left GoDaddy since asking this question. But the hosting company is really beside the point. I would like to automate the process of setting permissions so that, even when the person installing has access to the system, this step can be taken by the web application itself.
The only way to set permissions on a folder is if the user running the script has access to change the folders security. In the case of IIS6 and 7 the default user is NetworkService. That is why on open source projects like DotNetNuke there is a step to manually change the security. If this is a showstopper, you might want to consider using the DB instead of the file system.
Jonas Stawski

You need to edit a config file in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework{Version}\


+1  A: 

Ok assuming you are using IIS and in the usual fashion you must have an account under which the framework executes your application on your behalf.

The web application runs under a single account and through authentication users are programmatically granted access to do things that your "master account" carries out on their behalf.

Think of it as looking something like this .... loads your app (asp account) User connects (iuser account) User logs in (? depending on account used could be windows auth or forms auth, ect)

User requests to do something using your rendered web pages under their accounts ... checks user has permission to perform operation ( acount) if user can do this acts on requested action ( account)

Therefore ... You should already have the relevant permissions in that account to do what you need to do.

There is a level above all that too ... the IIS server itself runs under the system / network service account normally.

So the question is really ... How do you want to grant the permissions to a possible user to write to the server.

Have a look at the membership provider and roleprovider classes in the framework you should be able to inherit those and create an ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider and ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider class that would authenticate based on role membership of users in AD, or if you prefer just authenticate against a DB with the basic provider classes.

Hope this helps.

Oh i'd just like to add, if you need to override the trust level of the code you can do this based on the user having the permission to do so. So if you find that "medium trust" is not enough and the user authenticated is a sys admin then I believe you can override based on the user demanding the permissions.I don't however think you will need to.
Thanks for the input. This does shed a little light on the various accounts used in a typical setup. If the application connects through the IUSR account, how then would it take advantage of permissions available to only the ASP.NET account?