


+1  Q: 

Testable design

I have a java class which has a static member created using Facade (Singleton).

Class A implements InterfaceA {

 private static DataStore db = DataStoreFacade.getInstance("BDB"); //singleton instance

  public void save(final String key, final String val) {,val);

Here Class A is used as a member variable for webservice (stateless bean).

I can't test this code using EasyMock because there is no way to override the DataStore instance.

There are two options.

  1. Have a constructor taking the instance of DataStore which will set to db member variable. The problem is I don't want webservice class to know which datastore instance has been created.

  2. Provide an additional protected Set Method to override the db object. This is what I have used where I create a Easy Mock object of DataStore and override the member variable. Is it the correct design.

What are the other possibilities?


Use the Supercede Instance pattern...

Chris Arnold
Thx for the link. Adding a public method on singleton to override it's object is a huge concern for me. I don't think I can use macro to optionally compile the code to enable method for executing tests.

You're right that is bad for testability. Use dependency injection and don't go for static variable:

public class A implements InterfaceA {

  private DataStore db;

  public A(DataStore db) {
    this.db = db;



to inject or build either use dependency-injection framework (e.g. spring) or build the object somewhere in bootstrap factory code yourself.

production code:

new A(DataStoreFacade.getInstance("...");


public void test_xxx(){
  DataStore db = EasyMock.createMock(DataStore.class);
  //... do some expectations and replay(db)
  InterfaceA a=new A(db);


manuel aldana
This is how we have implemented now where Facade class creates the instance of DataStore. The issues is user of the class A need to know which datastore instance to be created which I want to hide.E.g In this ImplementationA a = new A (DataStoreFacade.getInstance("bdb"));As I mentioned Class A is a member of WebService wrapper class and I don't want that class to know about which instance to be created. I want that logic to be part of Class A and not the wrapper class.

Well, the original code is already testable. Here is a unit test for it, using JMockit:

public void testSave(final DataStore mockDb)
    final String key = "aKey";
    final String value = "aValue";

    new A().save(aKey, aValue);

    new Verifications()
    {{, value);

If needed, the DataStoreFacade class could be mocked too.


Why not make the db member protected, and in your test project inherit it and override that member:

    Class A
        protected static db = ...
        public void Save(...) { ... }

    Class B : A
        protected override static db = ... (create test db)

    Class testB
        public A a;

        public void Setup()
            this.a = new B();

        public void TearDown()
            // delete a

        public void TestSaveKey()
            // test a

It's still hidden from consumers of the code/library, the test object isn't cluttering the production code, and the behaviour will be tested as if it were the production version.

Beware though, that having a static member for your db object could cause troubles for your tests if it's not cleaned up properly after each test.*

  • I know that you probably already know this, but I'm saying it for completeness.